Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 50-53

Citation information:
Chornyi, V., & Platonov, O. (2015). Principles of economic security in multimodal transport. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 50-53.

Viktor Chornyi
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
State Economic and Technological University of Transport
19 Lukashevich Str., Kyiv, 03049, Ukraine

Oleh Platonov
Association of Transportation and Logistics Organizations of Ukraine «UKRZOVNISHTRANS»
4/6 Lumumba Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine

Principles of economic security in multimodal transport

Abstract. Introduction. Multimodal transportation, which has significantly developed in the world, is characterized by a number of advantages: the trust of cargo owners as a result of the availability of a single transport operator, optimization of economic and time costs, establishment of the partnership relations. At the same time, the processes of development multimodal transport in Ukraine are inhibited by slow implementation of reforms in the economic sector, complexities in overcoming bureaucratic inertia, the lack of effective scientific and methodological tools for their implementation, and, consequently, the insufficient level of economic security.

Purpose. Justification of the holistic concept of the principles supply chains of economic security in multimodal transport companies that will meet modern the requirements development of economic sector of the country and will become the theoretical basis for comprehensive regulation of economic relations of transport companies.

Methods. Achievement of this goal is based totality on the provisions of economic theory, a systematic and integral approaches, statistical and economic analyses. In determining the patterns of development of object of research we used methods of analysis and synthesis of results; when assessing threats to economic security we used the comparative analysis and peer reviews. Justification of the provisions is based on the laws of logical thinking and objective economic laws.

Results. A system of organizational and economic principles of economic security of multimodal transport has been substantiated, which is represented by a sequence of requirements of effective organization of transport production (consistency, comprehensiveness, standardization, integration and coordination, reliability of information flow, controllability, outsourcing, cost optimization). The effect of non-compliance with the principles of on the emergence of threats to economic security has been investigated. Recommendations to improve the efficiency of multimodal transport,which are based on the considered principles, have been made.

Conclusion. Improvement of the efficiency of multimodal transportation lies in introduction of system of trade facilitation and logistics, implementing the concept of Single Window, strengthening the validity of the insurance and the tariff setting on multimodal transport, which can be implemented on the basis of consistent adherence to organizational and economic principles of economic security supply chains of companies in the field of multimodal transportation.

Keywords: Multimodal Transport; Principles; Economic Security; Supply Chain; Efficiency

JEL Classіfіcatіon: L92; O10; B41


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Received 31.07.2015