Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 62-66

Citation information:
Madzinova, R., & Sedlakova, I. (2015). Medium-sized enterprises in selected marginalized regions of Slovakia and Poland. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 62-66.

Renata Madzinova
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
College of International Business ISM
1 Duchnovitch Square, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Iveta Sedlakova
Ing. (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
College of International Business ISM
1 Duchnovitch Square, Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Medium-sized enterprises in selected marginalized regions of Slovakia and Poland

Abstract. Small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia produce high quality products and offer interesting services. They employ about 70% of workforce and have a share of 40% of GDP. Medium-sized and especially small businesses have had problems of entry to foreign markets. A large proportion of medium-sized businesses cannot exploit export potential in their possession to full extent. The paper analyzes and synthesizes the results of a joint cross-border survey carried out in 2013 at the example of medium-sized enterprises of the two peripheral regions of Poland and the Slovak Republic.

Keywords: Export; International Trade; Competition; Innovation

JEL Classification: F14; F15; R59


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Received 3.08.2015