Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 98-101

Citation information:
Azmuk, N. (2015). The interaction of labour markets and higher education in the context of digital technology. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 98-101.

Nadiya Azmuk
PhD (Economics),
Deputy Director,
Cherkasy State Business-College
243 V. Chornovil Str., Cherkasy, 18029, Ukraine

The interaction of labour markets and higher education in the context of digital technology

Abstract. Introduction. In this article attention is accented on the changes which the markets of labour and higher education have under the influence of the information and computer technologies. Purpose of the article is to determine trends in labour markets and higher education under the influence of ICT and justification that digital technology is a factor of convergence of these markets. Results. The main conflicts of the modern Ukrainian markets of educational services and labour, their causes and effects have been determined. The disproportions of the labour market and the educational services market in the higher education sphere are the following: a discrepancy between the specialists’ training quality and the business demands, overproduction of specialists in the spheres of law and finance, youth unemployment. The author has described interrelation and mutual influence of the processes taking place on the markets of labour and higher education. The main trends in the transformation of the labour market and higher education are: the development of digital forms of employment and the digital education; the development of interactive digital infrastructure; strengthening the integration of university and business; increasing innovation subjects of both markets. Conclusion. Digital technology is an instrument to reduce the disproportion between the markets of labour and education: creating innovative professionals, solving the problem of youth unemployment, integrating universities and businesses.

Keywords: Labour Market; Higher Education Market; Digital Technology; Digital Employment; Online Education

JEL Classіfіcatіon: J23, J40, I21


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Received 23.07.2015