Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 153, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 23-26
Citation information:
Boiarynova, K. (2015). Structuring of high-tech products by priority as a precondition for the innovative development of engineering enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 23-26.
Kateryna Boiarynova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Politechnic Institute»
37 Permohy Avenue, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
Structuring of high-tech products by priority as a precondition for the innovative development of engineering enterprises
Abstract. The article is devoted to structuring of high-tech machine building products by priority as a precondition for their innovation development. We have identified high-tech machine building products produced by domestic enterprises of mechanical engineering. Clustering of products is reflected in terms of exports to different countries except the Russian Federation, whose market is instable in the current context. We have formed different clusters to define how engineering enterprises will act in the context of focusing on foreign and domestic markets. They are: «High-tech products of active exports», «High-tech export products with increasing sales in the domestic market», «High-tech products with a low level of exports and increasing sales in the domestic market». The results of the study will allow engineering enterprises to better allocate the resources in production and replace products with high-tech items according to their types of activities.
Keywords: High-Tech Products Export; Clustering of High-Tech Products; Machine Building
JEL Classіfіcatіon: L20; L50; L60; M20
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Received 10.09.2015