Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 153, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 27-31
Citation information:
Lutsiak, V. (2015). Methodology of small production enterprises’ marketing on the example of the food industry enterprise: product quality aspect. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 27-31.
Vitalii Lutsiak
PhD (Technical Sciences),
Senior Scientific Fellow,
D.Sc. Student,
National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Methodology of small production enterprises’ marketing on the example of the food industry enterprise: product quality aspect
Abstract. Introduction. Development of fundamental marketing methodology is a key problematic aspect of work of small production enterprises in view of their strengths as well as modern marketing activity techniques adapting for performance at specific production fields and economic activities. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to analyse current conceptual approaches that form a theoretical and practical background for marketing activities of a small production enterprise and development of quality function deployment in view of correlation between a marketing-mix and primary production. Materials and methods. The results were obtained using dynamic capabilities concept at an enterprise; summarizing method was applied to estimate the role of innovative capacity for activities of small production enterprises and the meaning of quality for competition; the marketing models of goods were used as well as the customer’s psychological behaviour pattern in development of the marketing-mix and the quality function deployment technique. Results. As a result of the research, the principles of marketing methodology of a small production enterprise have been theoretically proved. Due to the development of quality function deployment technique, the possibility to obtain a correlation between a complex of organizational marketing and primary production has been practically shown by the example of chosen food industry enterprise. Conclusions and proposals. Practical aspect of the proposed methodology usage is to specify methods of characteristics selecting that are used in the process of quality function deployment, aimed at providing product quality and meeting the needs of customers in different industrial branches.
Keywords: Small Enterprise; Production Enterprise; Marketing; Methodology; Dynamic Capabilities; Innovation; Quality; Quality Function Deployment
JEL Classification: L2; L15; M3; O31
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Received 25.08.2015