Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 154, Issue 9-10, Pages: 19-22
Citation information:
Dudova, I. (2015). Convergence and open method of coordination in European social policy. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 19-22.
Iveta Dudova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava
16 Furdekova Str., Bratislava, 85104, Slovak Republic
Convergence and open method of coordination in European social policy
Abstract. The objective of the article is to theoretically characterise the European social policy as an expression of competences of the European Union in social area, its key intervention types, especially focusing on convergence and the open method of coordination (OMC), and to specify ways how they support the achievement of European strategic objectives in social policies of the EU member states. Subsidiarity is predominantly applied in the social sphere. The EU only intervenes in an extent to which the member states cannot satisfactorily achieve the goals of their intended activities, as they can be achieved better at the EU level because of their scope or effects. Harmonisation and the open method of coordination are among the key types of European community intervention in the social sphere. On the grounds of convergence approach, OMC enables the implementation of social strategic objectives for 2020 in national social policies.
Keywords: European Social Policy; Subsidiarity; European Social Intervention; Convergence; Open Method of Coordination
JEL Classification: F50; H50; H55; I00
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Received 20.09.2015