Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 154, Issue 9-10, Pages: 45-47

Citation information:
Vidova, J. (2015). Investment in housing in the Slovak Republic. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 45-47.

Jarmila Vidova
PhD (Economics),
University of Economics in Bratislava
1 Dolnozemska cesta, Bratislava, 852 35, Slovak Republic

Investment in housing in the Slovak Republic

Abstract. Socio-economic task of housing after the performance of its basic function is to create conditions for the development of human potential, creative abilities and social activities of man. Housing is implemented in a residential environment that has a social component (social groups and relations between them), material (apartments and special equipment infrastructure) and the nature. From a sociological point of view, living also means living in a particular community, having a sense of belonging, confidence and safety. Housing can be seen as an evolving social process that has its own laws. It is a vast and varied set of basic and higher personal and social, spiritual and changing needs. Housing needs are constantly evolving and they are interrelated with global development, because the process of satisfying the needs of housing is conditioned by socio-economic development, on which feeds back and applies to all people and the whole area. Each country uses its own housing policy to address the problems related to housing, which are extended from social and historical conditions. Historical attitudes toward addressing housing issues have changed many times. This has also influenced the development of social theory, which was not easy because the development of each country is affected by social change, world wars, economic crises. In this scientific paper based on econometric modelling we analyse the relationships between selected indicators.

Keywords: Housing; Housing Policy; Economic Development; Quality of Life

JEL Classification: D11; D12


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Received 20.09.2015