Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 154, Issue 9-10, Pages: 48-51
Citation information:
Mihalchenko, O. (2015). Conceptual framework of the category «competitive potential of aircraft building company». Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 48-51.
Oleksii Mihalchenko
PhD (Economics),
National Aviation University
1 Kosmonavta Komarova Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Conceptual framework of the category «competitive potential of aircraft building company»
Abstract. The article outlines a critical analysis of the conceptual approaches to economic development of the concept of competitive potential, on the basis of which our own definition of the concept «competitive potential of aircraft building companies» was formed. The author considers modern and classical approaches to the formulation of the concepts of potential, competitive potential, competitive potential of the company and competitive potential of industrial enterprises. The analysis revealed a lack of consensus on the definition of potential as a generalizing concept for business entities and a complexity of research because the concept of potential is often identified with the concept of resource and the concept of power. While formulating his own definition of the category «potential», the author took into consideration three main groups of approaches to its representation: potential as a set of different types of resources necessary for efficient operation and development; potential as a system of labour and material incentives; potential as a system of capacity-building resources related to the overall economic system with the aim of achieving its intended objectives. Our own definition of competitive potential of aircraft building companies is based on the combination of all the three approaches by taking into account the analysis of the past, present and future state of a business entity.
Keywords: Aircraft Building Company; Competitive Potential; Competitive Potential of Company; Industrial Enterprise; Competitive Potential of Aircraft Building Companies; Enterprises
JEL Classification: М210; О100
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Received 28.04.2015