Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 154, Issue 9-10, Pages: 98-102

Citation information:
Pylypiv, V., Obykhod, A., & Illiashenko, I. (2015). Institutional principles of balanced nature management in the context of environmental and natural-technogenic safety. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 98-102.

Vitalii Pylypiv
D.Sc. (Economics),
National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine
31 Universytetska Str., Irpin, 08201, Ukraine

Anna Obykhod
PhD (Economics),
Doctoral Student,
Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development at the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
60 Taras Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine

Inna Illiashenko
PhD (Economics),
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2A Hlushkov Ave., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

Institutional principles of balanced nature management in the context of environmental and natural-technogenic safety

Abstract. The article reveals the main ecological and natural-technogenic prerequisites for the formation of modern adverse environmental conditions in Ukraine. In particular, the paper deals with specific features of renewal of fixed assets in the territory of the state as a whole. It also shows the disastrous state of their renewal rates by types of economic activity. The imbalances of infrastructure upgrades in Ukraine are detected by different techno-economic paradigms. The role of potentially dangerous objects in the formation of ecological risks and threats to the environment is defined and considered. It has been found out that the main reason for the imbalances of nature management in the context of environmental and natural-technogenic safety is imperfection of institutions for the environmental protection.

Based on the above, the authors consider the functional dimension of modern threats to sustainable development and propose their classification depending on the origin: classic and synergistic threats, transformations of human consciousness and social, ecological and economic imbalances. As a result of the studies, the authors have found out that the main problems of institutional ensuring the environmental protection in Ukraine are primarily caused  by processes of property transformation, economic relations, restructuring of the mechanism of functioning of industrial enterprises, which is aggravated by the difficult socio-economic situation in the regions. The role of formal and informal institutions in the formation of balanced nature management in the context of environmental and natural-technogenic safety has been singled out and analyzed. Thus, formal institutions, being formally enshrined norms and rules, represent only a small (but very important) part of the whole number of nature management limits. The informal ones are important for proper regulation of relations in the society where the leading role is taken nowadays  by public environmental organizations.

Despite the fact that today’s system of institutions guaranteeing ecological and natural-technogenic safety of Ukraine includes a number of subjects of different hierarchical levels with a specific set of functions and powers. Thus, the process of institutionalization of environmental management itself in the context of environmental safety is considered to be extremely unbalanced and inefficient. The authors believe that the formation of an adequate institutional environment is one of the key components in the effective management of sustainable development, which will provide the balance of the processes to maintain the interaction of all subsystems (environmental, economic and social). Therefore, the authors aim their further research at searching for new structural elements of management to complement traditional formal and informal institutions and finding ways to balance their activities.

Keywords: Institutionalization; Environmental Safety; Technogenic Safety; Balanced Nature Management; Sustainable Development Threats; Institutional and Organizational Mechanism

JEL Classification: E11; Q21; Q28; Q31


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Received 28.09.2015