Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 155, Issue 11-12, Pages: 18-21
Citation information:
Chuguryan, S. (2015). Economic aspects of Finland’s development in the context of Finnish cooperation with NATO. Economic Annals-XXI, 155(11-12), 18-21.
Simona Chuguryan
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of International Relations,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1b Dolnozemska cesta Str., Bratislava, 852 35, Slovak Republic
Economic aspects of Finland’s development in the context of Finnish cooperation with NATO
Abstract. The work is dedicated to the issues of integration into transatlantic security structures. Based on the example of Finland, it shows different attitudes of Nordic countries to such integration and to the defence and security policy. It is addressed to the possible future membership of Finland in NATO. The concluding part is dedicated to economic aspects with a focus on exports. The article analyses the stagnation of the Finnish economy and its impact on the reduction of defence spendings.
Keywords: Finland; Military Spendings; Integration; NATO; Cooperative Security Theory; Economics; Export
JEL Classification: D72; D74; F49
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Received 7.10.2015