Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 155, Issue 11-12, Pages: 29-32
Citation information:
Holovatyi, M. (2015). Spontaneous mass behavior: psychological aspects in the context of social and economic circumstances. Economic Annals-XXI, 155(11-12), 29-32.
Mykola Holovatyi
D.Sc. (Political Science),
Vice-Rector for Research and Pedagogic Work,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
2 Frometivska Str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine
Spontaneous mass behavior: psychological aspects in the context of social and economic circumstances
Abstract. Mass spontaneous behavior of people is a complex social and psychological phenomenon. There is a reason for the emergence, development and completion of mass actions. Hence, both a purely psychological analysis and a clear recognition that mass psychology is primarily determined by particular social and economic circumstances are of importance. A crisis in society is caused exactly by negative developments in the economy that extremely complicate the socio-economic situation for the vast majority of the population. These complications can be of an objective or subjective character (that is, complications can be relatively local) but they determine the exact psychological state of society. Of all the discrepancies in treating the «mass» concept, most appropriate are those, which substantiate it as a temporary group of people, functional by character but not morphological, dynamic but not static. It arises and operates based on its own internal, not external laws. The Crises in society are caused by negative phenomena in the economy, which dramatically complicate the socio-economic situation for the majority of population. This problem can be both objective and subjective (i.e., complications may be relatively local by nature), but they form the psychological state of society. A misunderstanding of this fact can lead to a nonobjective character of any psychological analysis, which cannot be the basis for practical conclusions.
Keywords: State; Society; Mass Psychology; Spontaneous Behavior; Socio-Economic Interests
JEL Classification: Z18; Z19
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Received 8.11.2015