Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 155, Issue 11-12, Pages: 91-95
Citation information:
Dubovyk, T., & Ortynska, V. (2015). Internet-marketing communications of trade companies based on consumer typology. Economic Annals-XXI, 155(11-12), 91-95.
Tetiana Dubovyk
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kioto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Valentyna Ortynska
PhD (Economics),
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kioto Str., 02156, Кyiv, Ukraine
Internet-marketing communications of trade companies based on consumer typology
Abstract. Due to fundamental changes in the sphere of information and the enhanced role of the Internet and social networks in the community, as well as to the understanding of technological and functional features of information and communication networks, there is an urgent need to study approaches to the segmentation of Internet users.
The article deals with the Internet users’ behavior. We have developed methodological approaches to segmentation of Internet users based on their activity in social networks and awareness of the value of their personal data. This provides a set of measures related to Internet-marketing communications in the light of the projected impact of such communications on target groups of consumers. Target groups of consumers are singled out based on chosen segmentation criteria, namely: a set of factors that influence the consumer decision to purchase items online, chances to shop online, use of social networks for communication, data privacy controls, consumer awareness of the value of personal data. The basic target segments of consumers according to our segmentation are price hunters, interested, finders, observers and freshers.
The conclusions have been made concerning the possible use of Internet-marketing communication components for above-mentioned segments of consumers.
Keywords: Internet-Marketing Communications; Customer; Internet User; Trade Company; E-Commerce; Enterprise
JEL Classification: F19, М30
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Received 12.11.2015