Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 155, Issue 11-12, Pages: 114-116

Citation information:
Tej, J., & Matusikova, D. (2015). Carnival as a tourist product and its place in the local development. Economic Annals-XXI, 155(11-12), 114-116.

Juraj Tej
PhD (Economics),
Vice Dean for Education,
Faculty of Management,
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Daniela Matusikova
PhD (Economics),
Vice Dean for International Relationships,
Faculty of Management,
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Carnival as a tourist product and its place in the local development

Abstract. Fasiangy is a name for Carnival traditions and represent in Slovakia a wide variety of ethnicity-connected events taken place in the end of winter and the beginning of spring terms. Fasiangy are associated with the traditional parades in masks before starting Lent and many other accompanying activities. These traditions, despite the fact that they are attractive, persistent and generally well known, still have not had their legitimate place on the tourist products market and in the travel agencies products. The carnivals often exist in the form of events organized by local municipalities, which contributes to raising the awareness of municipality residents, positive local patriotism and to some extent also to local development. The absence of a product should be solved by its completion, based on creativity and cultural heritage combined with the up-to-date experience. The main aim of the article is to show the tourism potential for local development within active creation of a local municipal policy by example of traditional carnivals. In analytical part of the article we bring the results of realized survey with the focus at carnival as a potential regional development support tool in the context of tourism. 282 respondents were interviewed in 2014 concerning their attitude to cultural tourist products. The survey showed that shaping the tourist product of Fasiangy is possible within professional approach to the cultural product development and promotion.

Keywords: Carnival; Tourist Product; Cultural Tourism; Local Development

Acknowledgement. The article was created as one of the outputs of the currently ongoing scientific-research grant KEGA 048PU-4/2015 «Implementation of multimedia and multichannel information source into educational process».


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Received 10.10.2015