Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 155, Issue 11-12, Pages: 117-120

Citation information:
Kosiciarova, S., & Vincurova, Z. (2015). Register of financial statements as instrument of transparency in financial administration. Economic Annals-XXI, 155(11-12), 117-120.

Sona Kosiciarova
Prof. JUDr. PhD.,
Trnava University in Trnava
23 Hornopotocna Str., Trnava, 918 43, Slovak Republic

Zuzana Vincurova
Ing. PhD,
Assistant Lecturer,
Pan-European University
10 Tematinska Str., Bratislava, 851 05, Slovak Republic

Register of financial statements as instrument of transparency in financial administration

Abstract. The Register of Financial Statements, established in Slovakia by the Act on Accounting in 2011, is a public administration information system within which accounting entities file financial statements, audit reports and annual reports.The Register repre­sents an investment which simplifies business in the Slovak Republic and provides the public with an access to information online. The Register serves as an instrument for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting, as well as for detecting tax evasion.The au­thors’ objective is to analyse the legal and financial effects of the Register of Financial Statements creation and evaluate the posi­tive and negative effects of its introduction on entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Accounting; Register of Financial Statements; Public Information System; Slovakia

JEL Classification: K23, M41, M48

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract no. APVV-0024-12.


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Received 24.07.2015