Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 156, Issue 1-2, Pages: 14-17

Citation information:
Mihailovic, B., & Djurisic, V. (2016). Researching the application of public relations in Montenegro. Economic Annals-XXI, 156(1-2), 14-17. doi:

Bozo Mihailovic
PhD (Economics),
University of Montenegro
37 Jovana Tomasevica Str., Podgorica, 81000, Montenegro

Vladimir Djurisic
PhD Candidate (Economics),
Teaching Assistant,
University of Montenegro
37 Jovana Tomasevica Str., Podgorica, 81000, Montenegro

Researching the application of public relations in Montenegro

Abstract. This paper researches the application of public relations (PR) in terms of running a business in modern conditions. The study is focused on public relations in Montenegro in order to view the main reasons why many companies and institutions still do not understand the need to apply this managerial function. This paper is a field research in the area of PR in Montenegro. Apart from Montenegrin companies, this research considers foreign companies that do business in Montenegro. Montenegrin PR is at the beginning stage, which is shown in the results of the research. The results of our research reflect that there is a direct positive correlation between managing public relations on the one hand and the achieved business results on the other hand. Based on the results of the integral research, owners and managers are given certain recommendations which can be used to encourage efficient business operations of Montenegrin companies.

Keywords: Public Relations; Image; Publicity; Consumer; Crisis Communication; Managing Public Relations

JEL Classification: M37



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Received 9.01.2016