Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 156, Issue 1-2, Pages: 92-96
Citation information:
Miklosik, A. (2016). Search-centric approach to sustainability of academic marketing. Economic Annals-XXI, 156(1-2), 92-96. doi:
Andrej Miklosik
Associate Professor,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1 Dolnozemska cesta Str, 85235 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Search-centric approach to sustainability of academic marketing
Abstract. Organisations are looking for the way of optimising the effects of marketing with respect to their sustainability. Three of the most important characteristics of sustainability concept include friendliness to the environment, long-term positive economic effects and respect to the customer by means of non-aggressive marketing based on principles of social responsibility. In this article, the author aims at introducing the concept of search-centric marketing as the marketing approach reflecting changes in consumer behaviour on one hand and the desire for sustainability on the other hand. A cyclic induced effect of sustainability of marketing activities is introduced showing the mutual dependence of addressing a higher number of potential students, higher quality of students and increased level of brand recognition and awareness of a university. The evidence is provided regarding the importance of reaching top results in search engines for relevant keywords to increase effects of marketing activities, improve conversion rate and avoid wasting of resources.
Keywords: Academic Marketing; Marketing Communication; Search-centric Marketing; Search Engine Marketing; Search Engine Optimisation; Sustainable Marketing
JEL Classification: I23; M31; Q01
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Received 25.09.2015