Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 156, Issue 1-2, Pages: 112-115

Citation information:
Legenchuk, S., &  Usatenko, O. (2016). Analysis of management forms of collective investment institutions to organise the accounting system. Economic Annals-XXI, 156(1-2), 112-115. doi:

Sergiy Legenchuk
D.Sc. (Economics),
Zhytomyr State Technological University
103 Cherniakhovsky Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine

Olga Usatenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Mining University
19 Кarl Marx Ave, Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine

Analysis of management forms of collective investment institutions to organise the accounting system

Abstract. Introduction. The development of collective investment institutions (CIIs) results in new possibilities for Ukrainians to invest their savings to make profit through transfers of their own resources to professional managers with the aim of further investment of such resources in various assets: securities, immovable property, etc. The evolution of collective investment institutions, and in particular venture capital funds, should be provided by means of the developed accounting system. The purpose of the article is to determine ways of development of collective investment institutions type, to differentiate between venture capital funds and other funds and to analyse of procedural and institutional forms of the development of venture capital funds according to their basic characteristics effecting the organisation of the accounting system. Results. The authors have defined various types of institutions for collective investments are defined. Distinctive features of venture capital funds and other institutions are emphasised. The analysis of legal types of CIIs in terms of their basic characteristics effecting the organisation of the accounting system is performed. Conclusion. Determination of types of CIIs as well as procedural and institutional forms of venture capital funds will help to develop an accounting system that would meet the objectives of the activity, respond to the risk component of the activity and provide the required information for both internal and external users.

Keywords: Collective Investment Institutions; Venture Capital Funds; Accounting System; Information

JEL Classіfіcatіon: M41; G 24



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Received 7.02.2016