Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 157, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 8-11

Citation information:
Kamensky, E. (2016). Innovations. Anomie. Corruption: basic theoretical models. Economic Annals-XXI, 157(3-4(1)), 8-11. doi:

Evgeny Kamensky
PhD (Sociology),
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia

Innovations. Anomie. Corruption: basic theoretical models

Abstract. Modern society is a global socio-cultural system included into the transformation of the world order traditional foundations. This process is associated with the active introduction of various innovations. Introduction of innovations is a global trend, which is being implemented in the conditions of the global cultural anomie. The norms of cultural matrices, which are being destroyed, are replenished with corruption normativity applicable to innovation activities. The article offers author’s theoretical system and structural models of corruption destructions of the innovation process in the context of socio-cultural anomie. The necessity of considering the problems of propensity of the environment for corruption through a theoretical verification of the phenomenon of the culture of corruption is proved. Interdisciplinary propositions of Universalism, Synergetics and complexity theory being adapted to the sociological problems comprise the methodological background of the research. Theoretical modelling method serves as a basic one. A compensatory-adaptive and stabilizing role of the corruption normativity of innovation activities in the conditions of socio-cultural environment anomie is revealed. In the absence of effective social and legal regulations of innovation activities, corruption parametric behaviour patterns strengthen the patterns of the culture of corruption. These two processes are interdependent and are in the relationship of circular causality.

Keywords: Anomie; Corruption; Innovations; Culture of Corruption

JEL Classification: A140; K420

Acknowledgement. This research was supported by research grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities (RFH), project No 13-33-01265.



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Received 10.12.2015