Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 157, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 50-52
Citation information:
Obukhova, A., & Ostimuk, O. (2016). Indicators of Convergence Assessment of Real and Banking Sectors of the Economy. Economic Annals-XXI, 157(3-4(1)), 50-52. doi:
Anna Obukhova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Finance and Credit Department,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
Oleg Ostimuk
Finance and Credit Department,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
Indicators of convergence assessment of real and banking sectors of the economy
Abstract. In modern conditions, the major prerequisite of economic and social development of the country is the sustainable growth of the national economy, which is why the improvement of the efficiency of all the sectors functioning is of great importance. The effectiveness of cooperation of real and banking sectors of the economy can be assessed in two ways – through the assessment of quality and profitability of enterprises and organizations for which banking services are being provided by commercial banks (mostly crediting), and from the standpoint of businesses and organizations through the assessment of the efficiency of bank loans usage as a source of enterprises’ financing. The diversity of the forms of real and banking sectors interaction is determined by the objective interdependence of their development. Interdependence and convergence of real and banking sectors of the economy has been determined by the developed macroeconomic indicators (ConverS). The approbation of methodology has been realized for the Russian economy for the years of 2010-2015. As a result, we can suggest the creation of a sustainable development strategy for real and banking sectors of the economy based on the effect of convergence.
Keywords: Banking Sector; Real Sector; Convergence Effect
JEL Classification: E44; G21
Acknowledgement. The research is financed by the Russian Foundation for Humanities. Grant No. 15-32-01389, project «Strategy for the Development of Real and Banking Sectors of the Economy Based on the Effect of Convergence».
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Received 18.02.2016