Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 157, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 82-84

Citation information:
Mayakova, A. (2016). Quality of management in the context of modern economic and managerial paradigm. Economic Annals-XXI, 157(3-4(1)), 82-84. doi:

Anna Mayakova
Economist of the Procurement Department,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia

Quality of management in the context of modern economic and managerial paradigm

Abstract. The author considers the quality of management, determined by the emergence of requirements to the efficiency and effectiveness, the formation and functioning of organizations, accompanied by an increase in the number of challenging tasks, their complexity and diversity. It is possible to achieve a new quality of management through progressive ideas promoting, improved methods and tools, and relevant managerial forms of organization activities. The article examines management quality not as a single conceptual measure in general management system, but as a systemic factor of the organization’s activity modernization, and, as a result, achievement of organization’s high efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness. The author specifies the thesis that management quality is a kind of modulating instrument for the ways and means of the organizational development which boosts growth opportunities in the competitive market environment. Evaluation of the management quality is performed not only for the general activity of the organization, but also for the detailed processes. For this purpose, the author’s technique for estimating the quality of detailed process control on the basis of quantitative qualimetric control criteria has been tested on the example of CJSC «Technosphere» engineering plant in Kursk region. It has been suggest that a new complex program of process management design should be introduced at industrial enterprises in order to improve the quality of management.

Keywords: Management Quality; Managerial Paradigm; Efficiency; Effectiveness; Competitiveness

JEL Classification: D24; G30

Acknowledgement. This publication was produced within the framework of the Russian Foundation for Humanities research project No. 16-33-01016.



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Received 12.02.2016