Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 158, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 61-65

Citation information:
Morozova, O., Nozdrenko, E., Zhukovskaya, L., & Kostylev, S. (2016). Management and art-management: dimensions of conceptual interaction. Economic Annals-XXI, 158(3-4(2)), 61-65. doi:

Olga Morozova
D.Sc. (Cultural Studies),
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Elena Nozdrenko
PhD (Philosophy Sciences),
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Lyudmila Zhukovskaya
Assistant Professor,
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Sergey Kostylev
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Management and art-management: dimensions of conceptual interaction

Abstract. The article deals with new aspects of evolution of management as a science and technology. The authors give the assessment of the opinion about the existence of a crisis in the theory and practice of management. It is claimed that the crisis is caused by the objective course of development of science in the 21st century, which shows unrealised possibilities of the management theory. It has been proved that the emergence of art-management in the third millennium produces considerable consequences and contributes to the theoretical understanding of management.

Based on the achievements of management, art-management specifies its common positions and opens the door to new areas of the development theory and practice. Differentiation of scientific knowledge leads to new questions to which answers must be sought in the reflexive and methodological analysis of science. These answers should help to improve management practices both in the economic and art-spheres. It is emphasised on the emergence of art-management with regard to dramatic changes in the social structure and objectives of its targeted transformation.

The economy has always developed in certain social and cultural conditions and in the 21st century the spheres of interaction have become more intensive. Being relatively independent, the art-sphere has an impact on the economic sphere, which is why the sphere of art-management cannot be considered separately from solving of economic problems and problems of economic culture. The emergence of art-management is a step towards the development of administrative culture due to the use of common methods and management techniques, as well as the basic criteria of competence, professionalism and management skills. Disintegration of knowledge is determined by a great variety of subjects and problems

The lack of art-management of their own status in the system of knowledge about how to manage due to the mobility of the subject-field problem, the lack of certain basic concepts and the lack of attention to the conceptual interaction between management and art-management. Proper understanding of management as a basic science will overcome the mosaic of ideas about how to manage the art-sphere and provide a new approach to the processes of differentiation and integration in the management theory. Differentiation of the dimensions of conceptual interaction will improve the institutionalisation processes of both management and art-management, academisation of knowledge in order to specify professional orientation of managers.

In Russia, project management in cultural sphere is one of the most needed and well-paid directions of management. Among the most well-known Russian organizations in the cultural sphere sphere we should mention «Art Kvadrat», Educational Centre «The House of Benois», Professional Auction of Arts on-line «ARTLOT 24».

Main players in the field of concert and festival management acting at domestic and international markets are «Rossconcert» and the National Concert Academy (NCA). The NCA during the last 10 years has been fruitfully cooperating with a leader of the world show-business industry the «Live Nation».

Thus, there exist practical interest and international connection between art-managers of different countries which need to be strengthened and developed based at common social, ethical and managerial standards. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that cross-cultural flow in art-management is institutionally supported through activities of such branch professional organisations as International Artist Managers’ Association (IAMA) and international recording, licensing, distribution, sales and marketing company for independent music PIAS.

Keywords: Management; Art-Management; Concept; Economics of Art-Sphere; Management Culture

JEL Classification: L32; J40; I31



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Received 20.01.2016