Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 159, Issue 5-6, Pages: 6-9
Citation information:
Holovatyi, M. (2016). Unity of science and education as a paradigmatic way of development of economy and social sphere: the conceptual aspect. Economic Annals-XXI, 159(5-6), 6-9. doi:
Mykola Holovatyi
D.Sc. (Political Science),
Vice-Rector for Research and Pedagogic Work,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
2 Frometivska Str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine
Unity of science and education as a paradigmatic way of development of economy and social sphere: the conceptual aspect
Abstract. The role of science and education in the society is explained by the fact that they are the dominant and present basic conditions for integration of a human in a variety of human life forms, introduction to the development of culture and spirituality mainly through education. There is a direct dependence: the more intensively science and education develop in the country, the more progressive and competitive society and the state are.
Science extends not only a range of knowledge, but also strongly encourages progress in the system of training with regard to technologies of the learning process. Hence, there is a close logical connection between science and education. Their common basis is knowledge which builds up information society.
The 21st century has fundamentally changed the basic resources by means of which society and the economy develop. Today, information, intellectual and innovation (science and technology) resources are the most important. All of them depend solely on knowledge and the state of the scientific development of mankind.
The approval of the information society concept as the basic one creates fundamentally new possibilities for the development of economy and social sphere.
Keywords: Science; Education; Information Society; Economy; Social Sphere
JEL Classification: Z18; Z19
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Received 28.03.2016