Calculation of shopping probability by the Huff model in selected retail stores of Kosice (Slovak Republic)

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 159, Issue 5-6, Pages: 63-66

Citation information:
Mitrikova, J., & Antolikova, S. (2016). Calculation of shopping probability by the Huff model in selected retail stores of Kosice (Slovak Republic). Economic Annals-XXI, 159(5-6), 63-66. doi:

Jana Mitrikova
PhD (Geography),
Senior Lecturer,
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Sandra Antolikova
PhD Student (Management),
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Calculation of shopping probability by the Huff model in selected retail stores of Kosice (Slovak Republic)

Abstract. The main objective of this article is to apply the theoretical Huff model to specific large-scale sales in the second largest city of the Slovak Republic – Kosice. This theoretical model was applied in relation to the shopping probability of five selected large-scale retail stores, two shopping centres and three hypermarkets found in 22 urban areas of Kosice in the year 2015. Based on the analysis of the results, it is necessary to emphasise their importance in regard to a survey which will be implemented in all urban areas in the future. The reason for the comparison of our calculations and the results of this empirical research is the lack of social or consumer income differentiation in the model.

Keywords: Retail; Availability; Kosice; Huff Model; Large-scale Retail Stores

JEL Classification: D12; D91; M30

Acknowledgement. The article is related to VEGA project, project 1/0857/15. Research of economically significant factors of perception of reputation and its dominant contexts in relation to the success in the processes of e-commerce and e-marketing on the Slovak Virtual Market.



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Received 8.02.2016