Efficiency of day surgery in Slovak regions during the years 2009-2014

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 159, Issue 5-6, Pages: 80-84

Citation information:
Gavurova, B., & Korony, S. (2016). Efficiency of day surgery in Slovak regions during the years 2009-2014. Economic Annals-XXI, 159(5-6), 80-84. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V159-17

Beata Gavurova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Technical University of Kosice
32 Nemcovej Str., Kosice, 040 01, Slovak Republic

Samuel Korony
PhD (Economics),
Matej Bel University
1 Cesta na amfiteater Str., Banska Bystrica, 974 01, Slovakia

Efficiency of day surgery in Slovak regions during the years 2009-2014

Abstract. The paper deals with CCR, BCC and FDH efficiency analyses results of valid available indicators of eight Slovak regions with one day surgery facilities both for adult and paediatric patients in the period of 2009-2014, where the input is the number of beds and the output is the number of patients. In 2014, Banska Bystrica region was efficient from the viewpoint of CCR model of paediatric patients. According to the BCC model, there were four efficient cases: Trnava – in 2009, Banska Bystrica – in 2014 and Presov – two years running (2013 and 2014). In the case of CCR model regarding adult patients, Zilina region was efficient in 2009. On the basis of the BCC DEA model, six efficient cases have been determined: Trnava and Zilina regions – in 2009, Zilina region – in 2010, Banska Bystrica – in 2012 and Bratislava region – in 2012 and 2014. The results of the analysis present a valuable platform for the creators of health and social policies as well as for other stakeholders of health system in Slovakia that will transform into correct stabilization and regulatory mechanisms of health and social policies.

Keywords: Day Surgery; Hospital; Efficiency; Healthcare; Data Envelopment Analysis; Slovakia

JEL Classification: H51; C61

Acknowledgement. The work was supported by the VEGA Project No. 1/0986/15 «Proposal of the dimensional models of the management effectiveness of ICT and information systems in health facilities in Slovakia and the economic-financial quantification of their effects on the health system in Slovakia».

Our thanks go to the National Health Information Center of Slovakia (http://www.nczisk.sk) for providing the Slovak day surgery database, as well as for a long-term support of our research activities within health policy.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V159-17


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Received 23.03.2015