Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 160, Issue 7-8, Pages: 27-30
Citation information:
Grinko, I. (2016). International migration of labour resources of Ukraine and Bulgaria: impact on sustainable economic development of both countries. Economic Annals-XXI, 160(7-8), 27-30. doi:
Irina Grinko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
37 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
International migration of labour resources of Ukraine and Bulgaria: impact on sustainable economic development of both countries
Abstract. The article deals with the interpretation of the interconnection of international migration of labour resources and processes related to economic development of Ukraine and Bulgaria. Using economic-mathematical and graphical methods, the author has analysed the indices of international migration of labour resources of Ukraine and Bulgaria, in particular the amount of pure migration in the view of a correlation between the index of economic dimensions and the index of social dimensions (2014). The amount of pure migration in the view of unemployment rate in the period of 2013-2014 has also been studied.
The paper contains a comparative analysis of designated indices of both Ukraine and Bulgaria with regard to the indices of the TOP-10 countries. Based on the carried out analysis, outer and inner factors of influence on stable economic development of the countries under the study have been discovered.
It has been determined that money transfer remittance of migrants, which also affects one of the basic macroeconomic indices, such as gross domestic product, has a considerable impact on sustainable economic development of both states. Among the most significant inner factors, the author of the article determines the following: insufficient legal and organisational culture of both employers and employees, the absence of effective mechanisms of economic and labour legislation monitoring, inner social and economic policies of the state and its regions, the level of formation and accumulation of social capital, legal regulation of employment, the level of employment guarantee, requirements in the labour market, financial and economic condition and the rate of economic development of market participants in the state, etc.
Ways of realisation of effective regulations of labour resources migration were offered to ensure sustainable economic development of both Ukraine and Bulgaria which are based on special interstate programs of labour force remigration stimulation, occupational training of returnees, economic aid from other developed countries, programs of information and financial support of returnees, interstate first job programs for the people who studied in other countries, recognition of informal education and skills of labour migrants, programs which are aimed to assist the continuation of education by the migrants’ children, etc.
Keywords: International Migration; Labour Resources; Development of States; Migration Processes; Sustainable Economic Development; Ukraine; Bulgaria
JEL Classіfіcatіon: F22; O15
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Received 30.03.2016