Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 160, Issue 7-8, Pages: 39-44

Citation information:
Yuzevych, V., Klyuvak, O., & Skrynkovskyy, R. (2016). Diagnostics of the system of interaction between the government and business in terms of public e-procurement. Economic Annals-XXI, 160(7-8), 39-44. doi:

Volodymyr Yuzevych
D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics),
Lviv University of Business and Law
99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine

Oksana Klyuvak
PhD (Economics),
Lviv University of Business and Law
99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy
PhD (Economics),
Lviv University of Business and Law
99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine

Diagnostics of the system of interaction between the government and business in terms of public e-procurement

Abstract. The authors analyse the peculiarities of electronic pre-tendering, tendering and post-tendering procedures taking into account the business risks. The main quantitative, qualitative, time and financial indicators of the system effectiveness of the interaction between government and business in terms of public e-procurement are defined. Factors of the successful functioning of electronic public procurement, which are connected with automatically updating of participants and tender information, availability of the unified non-banking payment system and a third party for post-tendering warranty, are formulated.

The authors have made recommendations for the diagnostics and optimisation of e-procurement according to the information theory and developed the nonlinear canonical discriminant function relating to the diagnosis in «business-to-government» e-commerce. An evaluation of the diagnostic value of information related to the criterion weight by the example of JSC «The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine» has been carried out for such criteria as: bank’s reputation in business circles; quality of management; level of employees’ proficiency; level of technologies applied; market share; financial sustainability of a bank; level of recognition of a bank; amount of services provided.

It is concluded that the findings of the research could be used to build an econometric model. A combination of changes in specification of econometric model parameters with a calculation of the information or diagnostic value can overcome the heteroscedasticity.

Prospects for further research in this area are trend analysis of the e-procurement development and other forms of e-government in both Ukraine and the European Union, financial and economic analysis of the validity of e-government projects based on public-private partnerships.

Keywords: Public E-Procurement; E-Tender; Business-Risks; Diagnostics; Optimisation

JEL Classіfіcatіon: C13; F19; H19; L86; M29



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Received 5.05.2016