Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 160, Issue 7-8, Pages: 83-87
Citation information:
Zorkociova, O., & Vankova, L. (2016). The phenomenon of social networks and the effectiveness of Facebook page measuring (the case of Slovakia). Economic Annals-XXI, 160(7-8), 83-87. doi:
Otilia Zorkociova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Commerce,
Department of International Business,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1 Dolnozemska cesta Str., Bratislava, 85235, Slovak Republic
Lucia Vankova
Faculty of Commerce,
Department of International Business,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1 Dolnozemska cesta Str., Bratislava, 85235, Slovak Republic
The phenomenon of social networks and the effectiveness of Facebook page measuring (the case of Slovakia)
Abstract. The authors aim to identify the latest opinions regarding theoretical backgrounds of the current review of available platforms in the field of social media with a focus on social networks and how companies can use them for marketing communications. At the same time, the authors present the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication activities of Slovnaft. Slovnaft is a part of MOL Group and one of the key businesses in the Slovak market. It is also an integrated refinery and petrochemical plant, which is among the key industrial business entities in Slovakia. The evaluation is based on data of Facebook, the most famous social network, through LikeAlyzer portal, which allows us to compare Slovnaft results with its largest competitor in the Slovak market – OMV Slovakia. The results of the analysis demonstrate the level of effectiveness of communication activities of Slovnaft on the Facebook page as the current phenomenon in the market of social media from the perspective of consumers with regard to the technology options for the assessment of the companies’ communication activities effectiveness in the application of their innovative forms. The research was conducted in May, 2016. According to the data obtained from its Facebook, Slovnaft has more than 51,000 «likes» and its marketing communication, exercised through the social network Facebook, is set effectively within evaluations, overcoming its competitors.
Keywords: Interactive Marketing Communication; Social Networks; Facebook; Measurement of Social Media Marketing; SMM; LikeAlyzer; Slovnaft; OMV Slovakia
JEL Classification: M31; Z13
Acknowledgements. This paper was created within the project of the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA project No 1/0550/14.
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Received 6.05.2015