Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 161, Issue 9-10, Pages: 18-22
Citation information:
Stezhko, N. (2016). Global indices in assessment of the global food problem and its impact factor. Economic Annals-XXI, 161(9-10), 18-22. doi:
Nadiia Stezhko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
International Economy Department,
Kirovohrad National Technical University
8 Universytetskyi Ave., Kirovohrad, 25030, Ukraine
Global indices in assessment of the global food problem and its impact factor
Abstract. Globalization provides countries with new opportunities for development and brings them together in one world economy. However, the same trend allows global problems to penetrate every single society. Food problem is one of the central and most complex among global challenges to mankind. The purpose of the article is to identify countries most and least vulnerable in terms of food security by such categories as financial and physical accessibility, food quality, and safety. Grouping countries by components of the global food security level shows that the overwhelming majority of countries with low Global Food Security Index (GFSI) score are characterized by low accessibility indicator, but have medium indicators of food availability, quality and safety. The most important factor affecting food supply of a country, as well as its potential to achieve food security, is its economic development, a summary measure for which is GDP per capita. GDP growth ensures an increase in the food security level, provided that the system of national income distribution is fair.
Keywords: Globalization; Global Food Problem; Global Indices; Food Supply; Food Security
JEL Classification: F01; F14
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Received 15.09.2016