Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 161, Issue 9-10, Pages: 61-65

Citation information:
Trusova, N. (2016). Systemic factors of projected financial potential of business entities. Economic Annals-XXI, 161(9-10), 61-65. doi:

Natalia Trusova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Tavria State Agrotechnological University
18 B. Khmelnitskyi Ave., Melitopol, 72310, Ukraine

Systemic factors of projected financial potential of business entities

Abstract. The main prerequisite of forecasting the level of financial potential is the knowledge of financial activity of business entities. This becomes possible if the material basis of the financial potential is identified in the form of an isolated system, which consists of a definite number of elements and has distinct properties of financial resources. The algorithm of forecasting the level of financial potential is developed through a sequence of phases of cost management of financial flows of 2,276 agricultural business entities located in Zaporizhzhya, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions that specialise in crop production in 2009-2015. The implementation of the algorithm is performed by means of forecasting the movement of financial flows, speed and changes in the cost of formation of financial flows, as well as by determining the real cost of cash flows based on inflation losses, depreciation, exchange rate fluctuations in the internal and external markets. It was established that the accumulated liquid financial resources and a continuous increase in cash receipts of the studied enterprises can be considered satisfactory, however the nominal quantity of financial flows with regard to their strength and likelihood of change in their value over time indicates a gradual deterioration of fiscal balance and a slowdown in the formation of investment income of business entities. It has been determined that the synchronisation of cash inflows and outflows accelerates the flow of financial resources, capitalises the temporarily free balance and makes it possible to conduct investment operations with regard to possible terms of return and risks of financial activities of business entities. The author has proposed an appropriate model which statistical quality, value and reliability is sufficient for the use in forecasting the level of financial potential of agricultural entities.

Keywords: Financial Resources; Financial Potential; Financial Projecting; Cost Management of Financial Flows; Business Entities

JEL Classification: G11; G14; G17; О22



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Received 30.09.2016