Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 161, Issue 9-10, Pages: 85-90

Citation information:
Zdyrko, N. (2016). Problem aspects of the internal state audit development. Economic Annals-XXI, 161(9-10), 85-90. doi:

Nataliya Zdyrko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Chair of Audit and State Control,
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine

Problem aspects of the internal state audit development

Abstract. The article deals with the essence and tasks of the state financial control in Ukraine. The authors have studied characteristics of double level system of control and revision work in foreign countries. The fundamentals of control in the budgetary legislation of different countries have been explained and stages of the operational control beginning distinguished. The article highlights the current situation of the state audit in Ukraine. Financial violations detected by the State Audit Service of Ukraine, the structure of such violations, ways of eliminating of violations and the state of implementation of the recommendations according to the results of the state audit have been analysed. The main areas of concern of the development of internal audit in terms of legal support, staffing of auditing departments and services, the quality of revisions and competence of state auditors have been cleared up.

Ways of improving the efficiency of internal state audit by means of putting into practice the efficiency audit which should be focused not only on the use of state finances but also on the efficiency of its formation are offered. A need to determine the legislation related to the object and the subject of control, its principles and types, as well as ways of controlling, are emphasised.

Keywords: Internal Control; State Audit; Financial Violations; State Resources; Budgetary Funds; Transfers; State Audit Service

JEL Classification: G28; H19; M41



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Received 28.09.2016