Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 162, Issue 11-12, Pages: 68-72
Citation information:
Sharko, V., & Andrusenko, N. (2016). Algorithm for estimating factors influencing intensification of production of industrial enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 162(11-12), 68-72. doi:
Vitalii Sharko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Vinnytsya Institute of Trade and Economics of
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
87 Soborna Str., Vinnytsya, 21050, Ukraine
Nadiia Andrusenko
Vinnytsya Institute of Trade and Economics of
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
87 Soborna Str., Vinnytsya, 21050, Ukraine
Algorithm for estimating factors influencing intensification of production of industrial enterprises
Abstract. Introduction. The crisis phenomena in the economy has exacerbated the existing problems of light industry enterprises, creating favourable conditions for strengthening the negative impact of destructive economic forces, among which are the dependence of domestic producers on imported raw materials and products, the insufficient level of development of national brands, the lack of long-term strategic priorities in most domestic companies due to the unstable external conditions and a low level of systemic thinking of the management of enterprises.
The purpose of the article is to identify factors driving the process of intensification of production of industrial enterprises and develop an algorithm for estimating factors influencing the dynamics of the values of technical and economic indicators of functioning of enterprises.
Results. The authors of the article have suggested the algorithm for estimating factors influencing the dynamics of the values of important technical and economic indicators of functioning of enterprises, which intensifies the use of material resources and developed a methodical approach to factor analysis and selection of resource-saving technologies related to intensification of production of basic types of competitive products of industrial enterprises.
Conclusion. The impact of intensification on the development of industrial enterprises due to the possibility of increasing the economic efficiency of production involves the growth of productivity ensured by improving the levels of technical support, extensive use of new means of production and attraction of qualified personnel. Identification of the impact of factors on the dynamics of the most important values of technical and economic indicators of industrial enterprises should be carried out within tight deadlines to ensure the timeliness and effectiveness of managerial decisions.
Keywords: Enterprise; Intensification of Production; Resources
JEL Classіfіcatіon: L22; L60; O49
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Received 3.10.2016