Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 162, Issue 11-12, Pages: 89-92

Citation information:
Drozdowski, G. (2016). Emotional components of competence among executives: an empirical study. Economic Annals-XXI, 162(11-12), 89-92. doi:

Grzegorz Drozdowski
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Economic Department,
Jacob of Paradise University in Gorzów Wielkopolski
25 Teatralna Str., Gorzów Wielkopolski, 66-400, Polska

Emotional components of competence among executives: an empirical study

Abstract. This article aims to analyze the issues shaping up the emotional dimension of executives’ competence based on personality traits. The study was carried out in 2015 among the executives in 182 companies located in Lubuskie voivodeship of Poland. In connection with a stated goal the structure of the surveyed executives’ personality traits was determined. An empirical level of emotional dimension self-estimation of competence based at the selected independent variables was specified. That made it possible to find out the degree to which the executives perceive the need to use specific features to perform managerial functions. Verifying the defined hypothesis (h1), the existence of dominant personality traits has been confirmed among the tested executives. It is reflected in the highest average values of the relevant psychophysical features, namely: resistance to stress – 4.81 pts. in average; risk-taking – 4.56 pts.; leadership qualities – 4.32 pts.; commitment – 4.24 pts.; emotional balance – 4.10 pts. Executives with declared major tendency to bear the market risk had less working experience (4.71 pts.) than managers with working experience over 10 years, who showed lower propensity to risk (4.41 pts.). Concluding, therefore, considerations devoted to the emotional components of competence, it should be stated that the executives taught appropriate behaviour should reconcile their personality traits that make up the competence profile with varying situations arising from environmental circumstances in order to achieve and maintain managerial success.

Keywords: Executive; Manager; Competence; Personality Trait; Emotional Intelligence; Leadership; Risk

JEL Classification: M12; M14; M54



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Received 10.10.2016