Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 164, Issue 3-4, Pages: 28-31
Citation information:
Aldokhina, T. (2017). Systematisation of effectiveness indicators for international economic integration. Economic Annals-XXI, 164(3-4), 28-31. doi:
Tatiana Aldokhina
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
Systematisation of effectiveness indicators for international economic integration
Abstract. To understand current trends in international economic integration, it is crucial to consider indicators of their effectiveness. This article examines prerequisites of international economic integration, and provides insight into quantitative and qualitative indicators of efficiency. Specific focus is made at integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union. The stages of its transformation, the intensity of integration processes, and the achieved results of integration are considered. The article verifies the assumption that quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of economic integration depending on the particular stage of integration. Reasons for not receiving the expected effects are substantiated. At the end of the work, a grouping of quantitative and qualitative indicators is proposed according to the type of effect and to the stage of integration.
Keywords: International Economic Integration; Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators of Efficiency; Integration Conditions; Systematisation of Indicators
JEL Classification: F02; F15; F29
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Received 10.04.2017