Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 165, Issue 5-6, Pages: 66-70

Citation information:
Martynenko, M., & Menshykov, O. (2017). Development of organisational knowledge system in the structure of vocational education. Economic Annals-XXI, 165(5-6), 66-70. doi:

Maryna Martynenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Department of Economics, Management of Enterprises and Logistics,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9-a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

Oleksandr Menshykov
D.Sc. (Mathematics),
Senior Lecturer,
CPD Coordinator,
Mechanical Engineering Programme Leader, School of Engineering,
University of Aberdeen, King’s College Aberdeen
AB24 3FX, Scotland, United Kingdom

Development of organisational knowledge system in the structure of vocational education

Abstract. Introduction. The conceptual basis of development of the system organisational knowledge in the structure of vocational education has been considered in the article. Purpose. The purpose of the article is the justification of the constituent elements of the concept of development of the system of organisational knowledge in the structure of vocational education of employees on the basis of a comparative analysis of the experience of the United Kingdom and Ukraine. Results. The authors of the article have described key principles of development of the system of organisational knowledge such as adaptability, continuity, focus on the goal, resonance effects, nonlinearity, innovation, complexity, maximisation of synergies and self-organisation. The contradictions that lead to development of the system of organisational knowledge in the structure of vocational education at the macro-, meso- and microlevels have been determined. The main contradiction is a mismatch of the necessary and available skills of employees in the United Kingdom and Ukraine. A hierarchy of hypotheses of the concept of development of the system of organisational knowledge in the structure of vocational education is presented. The main hypothesis concerns development of the system of organisational knowledge as an integrated component of vocational education contributing to the institutional changes at the three economic levels. This hypothesis is supplemented by a number of specifying hypotheses. The existing and proposed by the authors interpretations of the constituent elements of the concept in the structure of vocational education have been compared and analysed. Conclusions. The concept of development of the system of organisational knowledge (SOK) in the structure of vocational education of employees is based on a new scientific approach to the search of ways of improving the vocational education and includes theoretical principles directed at the solution of problems and contradictions at the macro, meso and microeconomic levels in the United Kingdom and Ukraine.

Keywords: Organizational Knowledge; Vocational Education; United Kingdom; Ukraine; Macro-, Meso- and Microeconomic Levels; Development

JEL Classification: D83; I25



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Received 7.06.2017