Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 165, Issue 5-6, Pages: 75-79

Citation information:
Pylypenko, А., & Lytvynenko, А. (2017). Institutional and architectural design of organisational development of large-scale economic and industrial systems. Economic Annals-XXI, 165(5-6), 75-79. doi:

Аndriy Pylypenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9-A Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine

Аlina Lytvynenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9-A Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine

Institutional and architectural design of organisational development of large-scale economic and industrial systems

Abstract. Introduction. There exist a great number of researches devoted to integration interaction of enterprises in this scientific field. Typically, they focus only on studying corporate relations and require expansion in the area of all possible organizational forms of enterprises interaction within the formation of large-scale economic and industrial systems (LSEIS).

The purpose of this article is to prove the hypothesis about the appropriateness of proceeding organisational transformation of business entities through involving enterprises in integration interaction. Accordingly, the purpose can be achieved by applying methodologies of institutional and architectural design of LSEIS organizational development.

Methods. To achieve the purpose, the authors have used the technology of conceptual design. By its means, a model of substantive research and the system of hypothesis is formed to implement organizational development. The adjustment of interaction between LSEIS participants has been carried out according to the multi-agent approach and standards of architectural description of the systems.

Results. The application of these methods allows developing spiral submission of the process of organisational development, as well as presenting the developed conceptual model to form institutional and architectural description of LSEIS. The model designed to operate the mechanism of organisational development of integrated association of enterprises is based on the principles of reflexive management and recursive coordination of the concerns of the target system with the interests of all its stakeholders.

Conclusion. The proposed concept allows coordinating the guiding influences of the mechanism of LSEIS development management at micro- and mesolevels (at the level of LSEIS participants and LSEIS interaction with other integrated associations).

Keywords: Institutional Design; Enterprise Architecture; Organisational Development; Large-scale Economic and Production System; Change Management

JEL Classification: G34; M14; O16



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Received 12.06.2017