Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 165, Issue 5-6, Pages: 84-89

Citation information:
Aranchiy, V., Makhmudov, H., Yasnolob, I., & Radionova, Ya. (2017). Conceptual foundations of the organisation of innovative activities at agro-industrial enterprise based on outsourcing and The Business Process Model and Notation program. Economic Annals-XXI, 165(5-6), 84-89. doi:

Valentyna Aranchiy
PhD (Economics),
Professor, Rector,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
1/3 Skovorody str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine

Hanlar Makhmudov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of Department of Business and Law,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
1/3 Skovoroda Str., Poltava, 36003 Ukraine

Ilona Yasnolob
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
Department of Business and Law,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
1/3 Skovoroda Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine

Yana Radionova
PhD Student (Economics),
Department of Finance and Credit,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
1/3 Skovoroda Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine

Conceptual foundations of the organisation of innovative activities at agro-industrial enterprise based on outsourcing and The Business Process Model and Notation program

Abstract. In changing market environment, success of agro-industrial enterprise directly depends on innovations and business processes improvement. This research is aimed to define the way to regulate innovative activities at agro-industrial enterprise. It has been investigated that the effective distribution of functions and tasks, their positioning to performers, information exchange, budgeting, and resource distribution are the main stages of effective innovative activities at agro-industrial enterprise.

The implementation of innovations at agro-industrial enterprise is often supported by outsourcing. The software Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is presented as a method of control over the process of organizing innovations at agro-industrial enterprise. It is meant to address extensive use of outsourcing, allowing to process large amounts of information during a short period of time, work out conclusions, and develop clear recommendations for optimization of innovations management.

The software has been tested at the private enterprise of Ukraine «Granit-Agro» which is oriented at exporting of organic agri-production to EU and Canada. In 2015-2016, administrative expenditures and spendings on managerial grown significantly. That is why, considering the current state of the enterprise and challenges it is facing, we proposed to use BPMN software to improve effectiveness of its activities and management. According to our estimates, the automated management system introducing will reduce time spent on management by 1.7%. The economic effectiveness of the proposed approach in 2017-2020 has been proved.

Keywords: Innovative Activity; Organization; Agro-industrial Enterprise; Agrarian Sector; Global Innovation Index; Outsourcing; Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)

JEL Classification: О32



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Received 11.05.2017