Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 165, Issue 5-6, Pages: 119-123

Citation information:
Pilik, M., Juřičková, E., & Kwarteng, M. A. (2017). On-line shopping behaviour in the Czech Republic under the digital transformation of economy. Economic Annals-XXI, 165(5-6), 119-123. doi:

Michal Pilik

PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Management and Economics,
Department of Management and Marketing,
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
5555 nam. T.G.M. Str., Zlín, 760 01, Czech Republic

Eva Juřičková
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Management and Economics,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Systems,
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
5555 nam. T.G.M. Str., Zlín, 760 01, Czech Republic

Michael Adu Kwarteng
Ing. (Economics),
PhD Student,
Faculty of Management and Economics,
Department of Management and Marketing,
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
5555 nam. T.G.M. Str., Zlín, 760 01, Czech Republic

On-line shopping behaviour in the Czech Republic under the digital transformation of economy

Abstract. The paper presents selected aspects of shopping behaviour with a focus on the main reasons for on-line shopping. Basing on the results of extensive research, we determined that the main reasons for on-line shopping are the cost, followed by comfort and convenience, while shopping on-line. It holds true for all age groups observed. Age increase pushes shoppers to pay more attention to convenience of shopping, and therefore it can be considered an essential factor for making an on-line purchase. Further statistical analysis confirmed the fact that the Czech Republic has caught up with rest of Europe and the world in the area of Internet use and on-line shopping, and the commercial power of the Internet will continue to grow.

The paper focuses on consumer behaviour within digital economy on e-commerce markets in the Czech Republic, and examines customers’ purchases and their motives for on-line shopping. The survey was divided into two parts. Qualitative part of the research was based on structured interviews in 2015-2016 with companies in the Czech Republic. These interviews were important for the definition of the research questions and further quantitative research, focused on customers of the e-shops and Internet users. Quantitative research consisted of 41 questions, and was conducted among the e-shoppers who filled out the questionnaire. 2,432 respondents participated in the research, and 1,601 of them completed all the questions in the questionnaire.

The results we obtained show that the price of merchandise is the main reason for the shopping on the Internet in the Czech Republic. This fact rejected hypothesis about a dominant role of convenience for shopping and expected preferences of the customers. Convenience and price have impact on the behaviour of those Czech customers, who prefer brick-and-mortar stores, and still shop on-line irregularly.

Keywords: Digital Transformation; Customer; E-Shop; On-line Shopping Behaviour; E-Commerce

JEL Classification: M31; L81



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Received 11.05.2017