Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 166, Issue 7-8, Pages: 105-109

Citation information:
Ovsyannikova, N.  (2017). The impact of the visual image of freelance on the identity formation of the freelance professional under contemporary socio-economic situation (based on image analysis in English- and Russian-language segments of the Internet). Economic Annals-XXI, 166(7-8), 105-109. doi:

Natalya Ovsyannikova
PhD (Sociology),
Associate Professor,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

The impact of the visual image of freelance on the identity formation of the freelance professional under contemporary socio-economic situation (based on image analysis in English- and Russian-language segments of the Internet)

Abstract. In the article, freelance is treated as a special form of employment, emerged at the crossroads of global trend to self-employment and spread of remote employment with new information and communication technologies (ICT). topicality of research is supported by the fact that the market of online employment in the world is forecast to grow at least from USD 1.6 billion in 2013 to USD 16 billion by 2020 or even more significantly – by USD 46 billion. About 20% of jobs are projected to become virtual in Russia by 2020, while gross economic effect from remote employment will exceed USD 26.3 billion.

Positive identity of the freelance professional is considered as a significant factor in its adaptability, socio-economic efficiency and progressing in professional terms. The paper is aimed to disclose visual image impact of Internet freelance on the identity building of the freelance professional. Based on content analysis of 746 on-line images, the notion of «freelancer» was refined as a special form of employment, relied upon modern ICT.

Most of the visual images reflect the advantages of freelance and praise it as a progressive form of employment. Facial expressions and gestures of the people often express positive emotions in the pictures (51-55%). The juxtaposition is shown in favour of the freelancers (97.22% of the cases) in those pictures where the freelancers and other employees (office and remote workers) are present.

The Internet visual image of freelance is instrumental for further expansion of freelance activities and attracting new employees to this sector.

Keywords: Non-standard Employment; Freelance; Identity; Visual Image; Content Analysis

JEL Classification: Z1; J21; J23; E27



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Received 15.05.2017