The Islamic Republic of Iran and its efforts to reintegrate into the regional and global economic structures

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 167, Issue 9-10, Pages: 8-12

Citation information:
Cech, L., & Kucharčík, R. (2017). The Islamic Republic of Iran and its efforts to reintegrate into the regional and global economic structures. Economic Annals-XXI, 167(9-10), 8-12. doi:

Ľubomír Čech
D.Sc. (History),
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of International Political Relations,
Faculty of International Relations,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1/b Dolnozemská cesta Str., Bratislava 5, 852 35, Slovak Republic

Rudolf Kucharčík
PhD (International Relations),
Dean, Faculty of International Relations,
University of Economics in Bratislava
1/b Dolnozemská cesta Str., Bratislava 5, 852 35, Slovak Republic

The Islamic Republic of Iran and its efforts to reintegrate into the regional and global economic structures

Abstract. Signing of the Iran nuclear deal and subsequent lifting of sanctions has led to changes in international economic relations and posed a new challenge especially for Iran itself. Consequently, a new debate emerged over Iran’s readiness to reintegrate into the global economic and financial structures and over the possibilities and limitations resulting from this new situation. This paper attempts to contribute to this debate. Based on the current business environment in the country, it focuses on defining the determinants of Iran’s economic reform and the goals and objectives set out in «Iran’s Sixth Five-year Development Plan for the 2016-2021 period», which promises changes resulting in liberalisation of the country’s economy. Besides the problems that the Islamic Republic of Iran has to deal with, the paper points to positive aspects that can make this country a significant global economic player.

Keywords: Iran’s Economy; Business Environment; Economic Reform; Iran’s Sixth Five-year Development Plan for the 2016-2021 period; Oil and Natural Gas

JEL Classification: F63; O33; Q43



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Received 14.10.2017