Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 167, Issue 9-10, Pages: 18-22

Citation information:
Lemishko, О. (2017). Tax policy tools used to stimulate agriculture: their implementation and effectiveness. Economic Annals-XXI, 167(9-10), 18-22. doi:

Оlena Lemishko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor of the Department of Fiscal Policy and Taxation,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
11 Heroiiv Oborony Str., Building 10, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine

Tax policy tools used to stimulate agriculture: their implementation and effectiveness

Abstract. Tax policy is one of the main ways to implement the fiscal policy of the state, based on the country’s socio-economic development. The article provides theoretical understanding of the problems of tax stimulation with regard to the priorities of financial policy at certain stages and formulation of key tasks in establishing, developing and reforming of the tax system and tax policy of Ukraine. The agreement on association between Ukraine and the European Union urges our country to bring its tax legislation closer to tax legislation of the EU. A new mechanism of state support for agricultural producers was introduced on 1 January 2017, which requires an assessment of the impact of fiscal policy tools on stimulation of agriculture and regulation of production processes of the agricultural sector. The author of the article defines the impact of the fiscal policy on agriculture and substantiates the expediency of its further operation. The article describes criteria for the establishment of stimulating influence of taxes on agricultural production, taking into account the experience of leading European countries.

Keywords: Tax Incentive; Agriculture; State Support; Value Added Tax; Fixed Agricultural Tax

JEL Classification: H20; H21; H22; Q14



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Received 3.07.2017