Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 167, Issue 9-10, Pages: 32-36

Citation information:
Poberezhna, Z. (2017). Comprehensive assessment of the airlines’ competitiveness. Economic Annals-XXI, 167(9-10), 32-36. doi:

Zarina Poberezhna
PhD (Economics),
National Aviation University
1 Kosmonavt Komarov Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine

Comprehensive assessment of the airlines’ competitiveness

Abstract. In the article, the methods and indicators are identified for the assessment of the airline’s competitiveness in terms of resource and market trends. The use of the method of prospective assessment of the financial and resource state of the airline involves the elaboration of the indicators for financial stability, business activity and net income for the next three years, and when the growth indicators are obtained, they allow determining the improved competitiveness of the company. In order to assess the airline’s ability to ensure a predictable improvement of financial and resource status indicators, it is proposed to apply a method of a set of competitive elements for a ranking assessment of the airline’s competitiveness, taking into account the quality of aviation services. The competitiveness level was assessed for a number of Ukrainian domestic airlines: PJSC «Ukrainian Helicopters», Windrose Airlines, KHORS, TNT Airways, Aero-Charter and others. The proposed method allows us to predict the volumes of service delivery and determine the level of the airline competitiveness on the market.

Keywords: Airlines; Competitiveness; Assessment; Financial and Resource Status; Competitive Elements; Comprehensive Approach; Net Income; Quality of Air Transportation Services

JEL Сlassіfіcatіon: C13; L93; M21; M41



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Received 5.04.2017