Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 167, Issue 9-10, Pages: 37-42

Citation information:
Avercheva, N., Boiko, V., & Boiko, L. (2017). Competitive growth of layer poultry farming in Ukraine in the context of European integration. Economic Annals-XXI, 167(9-10), 37-42. doi:

Nataliia Avercheva
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kherson State Agricultural University
23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

Viktoriia Boiko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kherson State Agricultural University
23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

Liudmyla Boiko
PhD (Agricultural Sciences),
Associate Professor,
Kherson State Agricultural University
23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

Competitive growth of layer poultry farming in Ukraine in the context of European integration

Abstract. The problem of competitive growth of the Ukrainian layer poultry farming products is conditioned by expansion of the European integration relations and high rates of growth of the overall production in this sector. The article is aimed at substantiating of competitive advantages of enterprises occupied in the layer poultry farming sector and at determining the vectors of implementation of the European Union requirements by the domestic enterprises. The authors cover organisational and economic features of the sector, as well as the ways to unlock its potential, and perform economic assessment of the balance of edible eggs. We have identified the need to adapt and retarget domestic enterprises at the European and international market based on the analysis of the level of egg production and consumption per capita, as well as the saturation of the domestic market with egg products. The authors of the article have studied the balance of eggs and egg products, the dynamics of production and trends in export growth of eggs produced in Ukraine. On the basis of a sales pattern of edible eggs produced by agricultural enterprises, we have identified weaknesses in the area and made proposals on how to improve statistical reporting forms. It has been established that high European market requirements regarding the quality and conditions of poultry production represent a challenge for the domestic layer poultry farming to develop at a new qualitative level, based on implementation of new enhanced power-saving and environmentally safe technologies and organic production. The article describes prospects for the use of competitive advantages of Ukrainian enterprises in order to extend the European integration of the sector.

Keywords: Egg Market; Competitiveness; Production; Consumption; Balance of Eggs and Egg Products; Sales Pattern; Quality; European Integration; Export; Competitive Advantages

JEL Classification: Q1; F15; O52



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Received 20.09.2017