Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 170, Issue 3-4, Pages: 10-14

Citation information:
Lemishko, О. (2018). Modelling of endogenous factors impacting the efficiency of the aggregate capital in Ukraine’s agriculture. Economic Annals-XXI, 170(3-4), 10-14. doi:

Оlena Lemishko
PhD (Economics),
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
11 Heroiiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine

Modelling of endogenous factors impacting the efficiency of the aggregate capital in Ukraine’s agriculture

Abstract. The economic situation in the country is estimated by using both GDP indicators and the growth rates of quantitative indicators of the national economy, including capital. The article is devoted to the economic-mathematical model of the dependence of the effectiveness of the aggregate capital of economic entities in the agricultural sector of Ukraine on endogenous factors. It is determined that factors determining financial security, capital turnover and productive processes stimulate the growth of the efficiency of aggregate capital. Proceeding from the fact that the model is significant and adequate in modern business conditions, the author of the article has concluded that the use of the developed model will allow making effective management decisions regarding the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the medium term. In this regard, a forecast for the period up to 2021 according to the determined indicators has been worked out. According to our estimates, we forecast the largest increase over the period between 2017 and 2021 for endogenous factors affecting the profitability of aggregate capital by the capital productivity ratio, and moderate growth by the investment ratio and the asset turnover ratio.

The proposed model can be used as a basis when creating a long-term forecast. To do this, it is proposed to expand the analysis of factor indicators affecting the profitability of aggregate capital in agriculture on the basis of taking into account the impact of exogenous factors. The target parameters of the impact of exogenous factors should correlate with financial and economic indicators as well as the efficiency index for agriculture in terms of macroeconomics.

Keywords: Economic-mathematical Model; Endogenous Factors; Impact; Aggregate Capital; Agriculture; Financial Provision; Reproduction; Asset Turnover

JEL Classification: C31; C65; D24; G23; G30; Q14



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Received 14.03.2018