Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 171, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 38-43
Citation information:
Kravtsiv, V., Kolodiichuk, V., & Kolodiichuk, I. (2018). The greening of transport and logistics systems of regional agricultural markets. Economic Annals-XXI, 171(5-6), 38-43. doi:
Vasyl Kravtsiv
D.Sc. (Economics),
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Volodymyr Kolodiichuk
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Head of Department,
Professor of the Department of Management named after Prof. Ye. V. Khraplivyi,
Lviv National Agrarian University
1 Volodymyr Velykyi Str., Dubliany, Zhovkva District, Lviv Region, 80381, Ukraine
Irina Kolodiichuk
PhD (Economics),
Senior Researcher,
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
The greening of transport and logistics systems of regional agricultural markets
Abstract. Introduction. An increase in the volume of agricultural markets forces intensification of the domestic and international traffic and aggravates anthropogenic burden on the environment. To solve the problem of greening of transport and logistics systems, it is necessary to make appropriate decisions at different levels.
The purpose of the research is to propose ways of greening of the transport and logistics systems that cause the heaviest anthropogenic burden.
Results. The work emphasises the necessity to apply a systemic approach to consideration of the transport component of regional agricultural markets. The authors of the article define the greening of transport and logistics systems as implementation of a set of organisational and technological safeguards concerning the process of optimisation of energy expenditures and safety of the forms of energy transformation on transition of material flows by logistics chains. The work examines experience of European transport and logistics companies concerning the implementation of the fundamentals of green logistics and the possible application of the relevant experience in domestic circumstances. It is stressed that organisational and managerial ways of greening of transport of and logistics systems of regional agricultural markers in Ukraine expects a reduction in the randomness of transport flows, their optimisation and support of modality of shipping operations, as well as raising efficiency of the application of road traffic which is viewed to be the most environmentally dangerous. Technical and technological reserves of motor transport greening are seen in the implementation of the concept of sustainable truck transport, which includes technical and behavioural aspects. It is confirmed that principal changes require replacement of the existing vehicle fleet with modern vehicles of Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards, and, in the future, with hybrid cars running on electric motors. It is determined that in Ukraine there are violations of ecological norms due to their imperfection and loyalty of the institute of responsibility. However, the international liabilities require Ukraine to harmonise its ecological laws to the norms and standards of the EU, securing improvement of environmental conditions.
Conclusions. The greening of transport and logistics systems of regional agricultural markets requires setting the conditions, which can neutralise anthropogenic burden by the environmental capability to self-reproduction. To green transport and logistics systems of regional agricultural markets, it is reasonable to consider organisational, managerial, technical, technological, legal and regulatory aspects of development. The implementation of the mentioned directions should be based on the concept of green logistics. To apply the concept in Ukrainian realities, it is necessary to master the experience of European transport and logistics companies.
Keywords: Transport and Logistics System; Ecology; Region; Agricultural Market
JEL Classification: O13; Q42; R40
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Received 5.08.2018