Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 174, Issue 11-12, Pages: 29-33

Citation information:
Gandilova, S. T. K. (2018). Tourism and economic development: analysis and assessment of linkages. Economic Annals-XXI, 174(11-12), 29-33. doi:

Saadat Tagi Kyzy Gandilova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Vice Rector for Work with Students,
Azerbaijan State University of Economics
6 Istiqlaliyyat Str., Main Building, Baku, AZ1001, Azerbaijan

Tourısm and economıc development: analysıs and assessment of linkages

Abstract. The article deals with the linkages between the country’s economy and the tourism industry, as well as the extent to which the relevant positive and negative factors impact economic indicators. Special attention is paid to regularities of the most promising directions of the tourism sector development and problems existing in the field of tourism. Based on the analysis of the concept of tourism business development, the authors explore ways to increase the number of tourists coming to the country.

Keywords: Resource Base of Tourism in Azerbaijan; Economic Development; Hotel Complex; Tourism Industry

JEL Classification: L83; Z32; Z10; C22



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Received 10.09.2018