Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 174, Issue 11-12, Pages: 63-68

Citation information:
Zaenchkovsky, A. (2018). Prospects of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises participation in industrial clusters. Economic Annals-XXI, 174(11-12), 63-68. doi:

Artur Zaenchkovsky
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Smolensk Branch of the National Research University «MPEI»
1 Energeticheskiy Proezd Str., Smolensk, 214013, Russian Federation

Prospects of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises participation in industrial clusters

Abstract. Formation of industrial clusters network facilitates the competitive potential of territories. Such a development paradigm is defined as the main paradigm among the majority of world countries. This article studies the implementation of clusters in industry, in particular in EU, the impact of clusters on the competitiveness and localisation of areas, as well as the promotion of growth and scientific and industrial potential of the country as a whole.

The article describes the existing prerequisites for the creation of clusters with the participation of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. It is shown that currently clustering processes are not being implemented actively enough in the relevant industries, which does not allow us to fully realise scientific and industrial potential of enterprises in the areas of their cluster location.

The analysis of existing methods of industrial clustering has shown the presence of the identification stage with evaluating integration potential of possible participants based on the calculation of specific quantitative indicators for the localisation of clusters – the so called cluster identification procedure. The results of the analysis also make it possible to justify the expediency of choosing the methodology proposed by the National Research University «Higher School of Economics» and the North-West Foundation as a procedure used to identify industrial clusters in non-ferrous metallurgy, which provides the most complete reflection of the functional areas of industrial clusters. The author proposes to apply the specified procedure when calculating concentration indicators such as the personnel potential, high-performance workplaces, innovations which allow estimating the degree of participants’ interaction potential in non-ferrous metallurgy, which will increase the number of high-performance workplaces, labour productivity and commercialise scientific and technical developments.

The procedure of identification of industrial clusters in non-ferrous metallurgy, which was supplemented by the author, was used to analyse two already formed clusters of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises in Chelyabinsk region (implementation of scientific and production processes associated with the extraction of copper ore, production of copper and copper products) and Krasnoyarsk region (aluminium), as well as the cluster already functioning in Sverdlovsk region, associated with titanium products. The results of the research makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the expediency of spreading the ­above-mentioned «titanium», «copper» and «aluminium» clustering practices in the territorial integration processes in the Russian non-ferrous metallurgy, taking into account the need to enhance innovation.

Keywords: Industrial Cluster; Non-ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises; Cluster Identification; Industrial Cluster Indicators; Non-ferrous Metallurgy Development; Titanium; Copper; Aluminium

JEL Classification: L52; R13

Acknowledgements: The reported study was funded by RFBR according to Research Project No. 18-310-00222\18.



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Received 20.10.2018