Online retailers’ management system of marketing commodity policy

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 174, Issue 11-12, Pages: 69-72

Citation information:
Natorina, A. (2018). Online retailers’ management system of marketing commodity policy. Economic Annals-XXI, 174(11-12), 69-72. doi:

Alona Natorina
Phd (Economics),
Head of the Department of Higher Education Statistics and Analytics,
SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics»
5 Vynnychenko Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

Online retailers’ management system of marketing commodity policy

Abstract. Introduction. In the conditions of continuous change and bifurcations of the marketing environment, the system of management of marketing commodity policy (SMMCP) of online retailers is impacted by a set of immanent components, the inclusion of which makes it possible to multiply the efficiency of their functioning in the cyber space and timely adjust the plan to implement marketing activities. In this regard, the urgency in substantiating, systematising the immanent components (quantitative measurement) and developing practical principals relevant to the assessment of the impact of such components on the SMMCP of online retailers based on the use of a multidimensional simulation method is becoming more relevant.

The purpose of this article is to develop canonical models for assessing the impact of partial immanent components (quantitative measurement) on the SMMCP of online retailers, taking into account the corresponding latent root causes. In order to automate calculations and construct canonical models, the authors of the article use the demo version of the «STATISTICA» software package.

Results. The author of the article has substantiated and systematised the immanent components and their impact on the SMMCP of online retailers (quantitative measurement), as well as the root causes of the formation of the SMMCP of online retailers that determine the partial immanent components of impact, and explained the correlation between the corresponding attributes, giving their meaningful interpretation. Consequently, canonical models for assessing of partial immanent components of impact on the SMMCP of online retailers, the implementation of which is the basis for making effective marketing decisions and achievement of corresponding goals by applying managerial impact locally.

Conclusion. The approbation of the developed canonical models has allowed the author to single out three groups of online retailers and formulate practical recommendations with regard to further implementation of marketing activities.

Keywords: online retailers; management system of marketing commodity policy (MSMCP); immanent components of influence; latent root causes; canonical models.

JEL Classification: M16; M31; L81

Acknowledgments: The publication contains the results of studies conducted by President’s of Ukraine grant for competitive projects F75 of the State Fund for Fundamental Research.



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Received 20.11.2018