Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 180, Issue 11-12, Pages: 31-39
Citation information:
Volokhova, N. (2019). Government and business interaction in Eastern Europe: specific features of the public-private partnership. Economic Annals-XXI, 180(11-12), 31-39. doi:
Natalia Volokhova
D.Sc. (Philosophy),
Associate Professor,
Department of Philosophy and Sociology,
Faculty of Economics and Management,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
Government and business interaction in Eastern Europe: specific features of the public-private partnership
Abstract. The main principles of modern economic relations including financial interaction of the government and business have become the centrepiece of the development of the post-socialist countries where the Eastern European countries belong to. Among the most popular models of interaction between the government bodies and the private sector, or the public-private partnership (PPP), the following ones can be specified: a cooperation model, a concession model, a lease model, an operator model, a contractual model.
Approaches to the state-business interaction in Eastern Europe within the public-private partnership often depend on different criteria including the degree of the state’s economic development, its legal system in general and the system dealing with this particular issue, the vision of the role of the government and business partnership in the economy, setting and implementation of objectives and tasks at a certain stage of the country’s development, the prevailing public attitude to the private sector, and so on.
The mechanisms of interaction between business and government in Eastern Europe revealed in the course of our analysis allow us to define the examples of the most efficient cooperation, find the causes of some projects’ failures, determine the causes of potential problems and risks, and develop and propose most universal ways to improve interaction between the business and the government. The countries of Eastern Europe in the focus of our research are at the initial stage of the development of public-private relations that are primarily expressed in the public-private partnerships.
Keywords: Eastern Europe; Business; Government; Private Funds; State; Private-Public Partnership (PPP); Economy; Infrastructure
JEL Classification: L32
Acknowledgements and Funding: The author received no direct funding for this research.
Contribution: The author contributed personally to this work.
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Received 22.10.2019
Received in revised form 27.10.2019
Accepted 29.10.2019
Available online 30.12.2019