Formation of the model of state support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector in the market economy: change of the approach

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 187, Issue 1-2, Pages: 75-81

Citation information:
Yukhymenko, P., Sokolska, T., Arbuzova, T., Paska, I., & Zharikova, О., Khakhula, L., Zhytnyk, T. (2021). Formation of the model of state support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector in the market economy: change of the approach. Economic Annals-XXI, 187(1-2), 75-81. doi:

Petro Yukhymenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Department of Economics,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Tetyana Sokolska
D.Sc. (Economics),
Department of Public Management, Administration and International Economics,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Tetyana Arbuzova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Management, Administration and International Economics,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Igor Paska
D.Sc. (Economics),
Department of Public Management, Administration and International Economics,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Оlena Zharikova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Bank and Insurance,
Faculty of Economics,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
11 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 02000, Ukraine

Larysa Khakhula
PhD (Pedagogy),
Associate Professor,
Department of Management,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Tetуana Zhytnyk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Economics,
Faculty of Economics,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
8/1 Soborna Sq., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Formation of the model of state support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector in the market economy: change of the approach

Abstract. The study’s main purpose is to investigate the basic principles of forming the model of state support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector in the year 2020. The subject-object method was used to determine the essential understanding of the state support for the agrarian sector in market conditions and identify various characteristics, direct relations, feedback, dependencies, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement the support. The principles of granting and using state support for the agricultural sector, including competence, orientation, honesty, compatibility (adequacy, timeliness), neutrality (impartiality), compromise, pre-investment character, versatility, financial character, maximum benefit, are substantiated. It is proved that Ukraine needs to create a new ideological platform of state support for the agrarian sector, which should be based on strengthening the position of small businesses in the value chain, shifting the focus from agricultural holdings to farmers and private peasant farms that fulfill most of the social functions of the industry.

Keywords: Agricultural Sector; Agricultural Producers; State Support; Incentives; Principles; Agricultural Policy

JEL Classification: Q13; Q18

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.



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Received 2.11.2020
Received in revised form 22.12.2020
Accepted 28.12.2020
Available online 28.02.2021