Digitalization of the economies of Ukraine and Poland: national and local dimensions

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 191, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 30-42

Citation information:
Melnyk, M., Shchehliuk, S., Leshchukh, I., & Litorovych, O. (2021). Digitalization of the economies of Ukraine and Poland: national and local dimensions. Economic Annals-XXI, 191(7-8(1)), 30-42. doi:

Maryana Melnyk
D.Sc. (Economics), Professor,
SI «M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

4 Kozelnytska Str., 79026, Lviv, Ukraine

Svitlana Shchehliuk
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow,
SI «M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research» of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

4 Kozelnytska Str., 79026, Lviv, Ukraine

Iryna Leshchukh
PhD (Economics), Researcher,
SI «M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

4 Kozelnytska Str., 79026, Lviv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Litorovych
PhD Student (Economics),
Department of Management of Organizations,
Lviv Polytechnic National University
12 S. Bandera Str., 79013, Lviv, Ukraine

Digitization of the Economies of Ukraine and Poland: National and Regional Dimensions

Abstract. The article examines the features of current trends in the digitalization of the economy of Ukraine and Poland at the national and regional levels. The essence of digitalization of the economy, its relationship with economic growth, the position of the world on the level of development of the digital economy, and its components (Internet access, cyber security, digital competencies of the population, etc.). The positions of Ukraine and Poland in the international ratings of digitalization, innovation, and competitiveness are compared, Ukraine lags behind Poland in places in the respective rankings. The main reasons for this lag have been identified and the possibilities of improving Ukraine’s position through the implementation of state initiatives of strategic and program nature have been substantiated. National and regional differences in providing the population with Internet access in Ukraine and Poland are assessed. Taking into account the current trends in the digital economy in both countries, proposals have been developed for state assistance to intensify the mechanism of accelerated digitalization for Ukraine’s economy, in order to converge digital indicators (distribution and access to broadband Internet, use of European integration opportunities through EU4Digital at the present stage.

Keywords: Digital Economy; Digitalization; Innovation; Competitiveness; Poland; Ukraine; Regions; Digital Transformation

JEL Classifications: O33; O47; O57; L86

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.



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Received 4.03.2021
Received in revised form 19.04.2021
Accepted 22.04.2021
Available online 10.08.2021